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الرئيسية | أرشيف الوسم : The Lebanese religious singer Joumana Mdawar’s concert in California

أرشيف الوسم : The Lebanese religious singer Joumana Mdawar’s concert in California

The Lebanese religious singer Joumana Mdawar’s concert in California

المرنمة جومانا مدوّر خلال إحيائها للأمسية الدينية في ولاية كاليفورنيا الأميركية

By  Maggy Makhlouf UCIP Liban Sacramento, Ca, USA At The Cathedral of theBlessed Sacrament in downtown Sacramento, Calif. , more than 800 people from different churches gathered to worship God. Some people said, “It was a dream.” Others said, “We lived a blessed, happy and unforgettable moment.” Our Lady of Rosary Church in Sacramento, Calif., hosted the religious singer Joumana Mdawar to perform a concert on May 30, 2015. Our Lady ...

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