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The Inauguration Speech Guaranteed the Freedom of Mass Media

The Inauguration Speech Guaranteed the Freedom of Mass Media

Antélias, June 5th,  2008

The Catholic International Union of Press – Lebanon found that today, the nation needs all its citizens, especially the Christians because the continuity of their efficient existence guarantees not only the coexistence of all the Lebanese confessions but also proves the possibility of a dialogue in the Arab and Islamic world. Moreover, the Union paid tribute to the inauguration speech which undertook the warranty of the public freedom and the values of the democracy. The statement included the following:


  1. The Union pays tribute to the postulates presented by the President Michel Suleiman in the inauguration speech, especially those related to the freedom and democracy principles. For these values were essential in Lebanon’s rise and continuity as a nation of freedom and hope for the persons deprived from their human and patriotic rights, such as the minorities, the confessions and social categories weakened in the Middle East. President Suleiman, when he was the commander of the Army, already issued a statement during critical and serious conditions (July 2007) in which he highlighted the freedom of speech and expression for it distinguishes Lebanon, and stressed on his commitment to keep the journalists safe. Thus, the Union expresses again his confidence in the commander and president’s method wishing him success in leading the country to safety and peace.


  1. The president referred to the political common speech in Lebanon which leans on the language of traitorousness and mutual charges, and invited to strengthen the nation according to the culture of dialogue. That makes the journalists face their responsibilities even if the real solution lies in confronting the essential reasons of this disagreement in order to develop the political system in a way that insures the stability and stops all kind of social and psychological emigration.


  1. The Union noticed that the inauguration speech set three essential cases above others: calling the youth to integrate in the public institutions, stressing on the emigrants rights and the necessity of bringing back all the Lebanese to their nation and families. These vital cases needs a field work, mainly the youth within an elaborate plan which aims to put an end to the state of separation between the citizens and the overseers of the State’s institutions due to a mandatory rule for 15 years. This situation cannot be rectified unless the citizens regain their trust in the State and vice versa.


  1. Today, President Suleiman is entrusted with reviving the political project launched by the Christians of Lebanon in 1920 through their proclamation of the State of Greater Lebanon, the diversified and opened. For Lebanon allowed all confessions to express their believes and freedom giving them the possibility to evolve and progress socially. Today, Lebanon really needs the Christians’ cultural role because it represents a need for the continuity of the coexistence between all Lebanese confessions. The lack of these concepts or the weakness of the Christians’ presence in this country may be a dangerous threat to the nation and other countries in the region and worldwide.


The Union hopes that President Suleiman rebuilds the State’s institutions for the safety of these institutions is an essential condition for the rise and prosperity of the nation.

 Translated by Joyce Tary

عن الاتحاد الكاثوليكي العالمي للصحافة - لبنان

عضو في الإتحاد الكاثوليكي العالمي للصحافة UCIP الذي تأسس عام 1927 بهدف جمع كلمة الاعلاميين لخدمة السلام والحقيقة . يضم الإتحاد الكاثوليكي العالمي للصحافة - لبنان UCIP – LIBAN مجموعة من الإعلاميين الناشطين في مختلف الوسائل الإعلامية ومن الباحثين والأساتذة . تأسس عام 1997 بمبادرة من اللجنة الأسقفية لوسائل الإعلام استمرارا للمشاركة في التغطية الإعلامية لزيارة السعيد الذكر البابا القديس يوحنا بولس الثاني الى لبنان في أيار مايو من العام نفسه. "أوسيب لبنان" يعمل رسميا تحت اشراف مجلس البطاركة والأساقفة الكاثوليك في لبنان بموجب وثيقة تحمل الرقم 606 على 2000. وبموجب علم وخبر من الدولة اللبنانية رقم 122/ أد، تاريخ 12/4/2006. شعاره :" تعرفون الحق والحق يحرركم " (يوحنا 8:38 ).