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UCIPLIBAN: Aggression on May Shidiak aims at Free Media in Lebanon

UCIPLIBAN: Aggression on May Shidiak aims at Free Media in Lebanon

Antelias, September 25, 2005

The Catholic International Union of Press- Lebanon (UCIPLIBAN), was stunned for the aggression on media figure May Shidiak, stressing that it aims at free media in Lebanon, to silence the voices of free journalists, and have a state of horror within the Lebanese media organizations. The Union requested from Lebanese authorities to bear full responsibility and provide security and stability. The Union's statement stated: 
1- Targeting May Shidiak, stunned the whole media body. The Union sees this crime took a new method than the previous ones, because it aimed at a distinguished media figure, and an opponent who plays a strong role in Media, as was the case with previous assassinations. It aimed at a bright media figure who is famous for her, that she is distinguished free opinion. This implies that every free journalist in Lebanon has become a target. 
2- Lebanese journalism nowadays passes undergoes a very sensitive and dangerous state. Which requires awareness for its role, and rare courage, in order to continue the performing of its historical and national role. The Lebanese journalism has always been the first among those who defended national independence, and paid high cost in all stages of struggle. The civil community is also called to stand behind it, participate in protecting journalists, and secure the integrity of the inhabitants, and their solidarity. 

Translated by: Moris Jahshan

عن الاتحاد الكاثوليكي العالمي للصحافة - لبنان

عضو في الإتحاد الكاثوليكي العالمي للصحافة UCIP الذي تأسس عام 1927 بهدف جمع كلمة الاعلاميين لخدمة السلام والحقيقة . يضم الإتحاد الكاثوليكي العالمي للصحافة - لبنان UCIP – LIBAN مجموعة من الإعلاميين الناشطين في مختلف الوسائل الإعلامية ومن الباحثين والأساتذة . تأسس عام 1997 بمبادرة من اللجنة الأسقفية لوسائل الإعلام استمرارا للمشاركة في التغطية الإعلامية لزيارة السعيد الذكر البابا القديس يوحنا بولس الثاني الى لبنان في أيار مايو من العام نفسه. "أوسيب لبنان" يعمل رسميا تحت اشراف مجلس البطاركة والأساقفة الكاثوليك في لبنان بموجب وثيقة تحمل الرقم 606 على 2000. وبموجب علم وخبر من الدولة اللبنانية رقم 122/ أد، تاريخ 12/4/2006. شعاره :" تعرفون الحق والحق يحرركم " (يوحنا 8:38 ).